When you are in a place of light in you,
and I am in a place of light in me,
we are in the place where the entire universe dwells
…we are one
Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.
True happiness cannot be found in some thing or some person, because as everything changes, that level of happiness is bound to be temporary. More enduring is the possibility of experiencing a loving heart in any circumstance.
When delusion is gone and the truth is realized by means of enquiry into self-nature, when the mind is at peace and the heart leaps to the supreme truth, when all the disturbing thought-waves in the mind stuff have subsided and there is unbroken flow of peace and the heart is filled with the bliss […]
Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of […]
What is Yoga? It is impossible to give a precise answer to this simple question, mainly because Yoga is so incredibly comprehensive and encompasses such a tremendous variety of approaches. The word itself means both “union” and “discipline” … thus “a spiritual discipline of integration.” What the tradition of Yoga weeks to integrate is head […]
No one is ever really taught by another; each of us has to teach himself. The external teacher offersonly the suggestion, which arouses the internal teacher, who helps us to understand…
The yogi realizes that his life and all its activities are part of the divine action in nature, manifesting and operating in the form of man. In the beating of his pulse and rhythm of his respiration, he recognizes the flow of the seasons and the throbbing of universal life…
While we practice conscious breathing, our thinking will slow down, and we can give ourselves a real rest. Most of the time, we think too much, and mindful breathing helps us to be calm, relaxed and peaceful. It helps us stop thinking so much and stop being possessed by sorrows of the past and worries […]
Yoga is acting in such a way that all of our attention is directed toward the activity in which we are engaged.
True happiness cannot be found in some thing or some person, because as everything changes, that level of happiness is bound to be temporary. More enduring is the possibility of experiencing a loving heart in any circumstance.
One can be in a condition of balance, which comes from the pure simplicity of taking whatever comes as it comes and doing what is worth doing in any circumstance. It is an extraordinarily beautiful state of mind and heart, which takes things in this manner. This equanimity or equality of spirit the Gita describes […]
Live each present moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each instant.
…Surround me with your loving arms…hold me in your heart. Let me know that I am loved and that I can love. Show me that no matter where I go that I come and go in You. I am never out of your loving presence. That you are the smile behind the smile, the touch […]
If you wish the world to become loving and compassionate, become loving and compassionate yourself. If you wish to diminish fear in the world, diminish your own. These are the gifts that you can give.
Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. May all beings, everywhere, be happy and free and may the thoughts and actions of our lives contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.
we are one.
Family, Black and woman owned business since 2002.
1920 Ft. Stockton, San Diego, CA 92103